Consistency Club

600 C-Club prize  - earn the whole set by being "in the club" all year.
600 C-Club prize – earn the whole set by being “in the club” all year.

Earn the entire set, bracelet and earrings, by ordering at least 600 w/s every month or being a Star Consultant all four quarters for Seminar 2014. If you missed the first month you can be an Emerald Star Consultant THIS Quarter (Sept 16-Dec 15) and get the first two sets

Earn the charm bracelet and first three charms by ordering at least 200 w/s three months in a row. Add charms every month you order at least 200 w/s. You can ALSO earn by doing 15-30 faces in one month and holding interviews, being Ms. Go Give, adding 3-5 team members each month.

600 Consistency Club

Connie Brown
Joyce Mauldin

200 Consistency Club

Amanda Thompson
Florence Trinh
Jennifer James
Kay Newberry
Myrt Brakhage
Sherry Ewing
Tricia Tunnecliffe
Victoria Thalgott

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1807 Kira Ct. • Arlington, TX 76006

(682) 429-8539